Get It ALL in the Advanced Yoga 500 Teacher Training Program with Yogi Institute

Take your passion for yoga and turn it into a successful career with Yogi Institute’s Yoga 500.

Yoga 500 Program

The Yoga 500 program includes 17 parts: 7 certifications and 8 advanced training sessions totaling over 500 hours. It merges Yoga 200 and Yoga 300 certifications into a 500-hour certification. Finishing allows registration as a RYT-500 with Yoga Alliance, enhancing career prospects. The modules' titles indicate the hours they cover, with Yoga 200 having 3 modules.

Customize Your Program

STEP 1: Plan out your modules in a 12-month calendar. Send your plan to

STEP 2: Choose your level of support; Group Live Online Weekly & Monthly OR One-On-One Monthly Coaching

STEP 3: Choose your payment plan; Single Payment or 12 Monthly Payments

Each Module Consists Of

  • Practicum Videos with Yogi Institute (recorded videos)

  • Professionals Videos with other Industry Leaders (recorded and YouTube)

  • Practice Videos to embody the information

  • Physical yoga classes (online or in person)

  • Practice teaching hours (teach your students, friends and family)

  • Live Zoom Office hours (Join me live on Zoom for support)

  • Live Monthly Mastermind on Zoom

  • Final Assignments (Different for each module)

  • Written Test (Open Book)

  • Teaching Evaluation (recorded and submit a link)

What’s Included In The Yogi Institute Yoga 500 Certification?

More Information About The Customizable Yoga 500 Certification

What You Will Need

Electronic device to access training portal (phone, tablet, computer)

Download each Yogi Institute Module Manual in the RESOURCES section of the training portal when you receive the access link.

Required Textbooks: (Avaliable on Amazon)

  1. Kriya-Yoga Sets, Meditations Classic Kriyas by Yogi Bhajan (Kundalini 75)

  2. Enlightened Bodies by Lumpkin and Khalsa (Kundalini 75 & Vinyasa 50)

  3. Iron Yoga by Anthony Carillo (Strength 50)

  4. Yin Yoga by Bernie Clark (Yin 25)

  5. Practicing Mindfulness by Matt Sockolov (Meditation 25)

  6. The Complete Guide To Yoga Inversions by Jennifer DeCurtains (Inversion 25)

Journal (electronic or book)

Yoga props; mat, blocks, bolster, blankets

Commit time and space in your schedule for your growth

Accountability Checks

There are checkpoints to make sure you're staying on track as you progress through the training. Your effort directly influences what you gain from this program. It's crucial to finish all the material to grow personally as a Yogi and yoga teacher. After completing a module, you'll email me your final projects, exam, and teaching evaluation link. This will prompt me to check the training portal to validate your completion. Upon confirmation, you'll receive your Certification of Completion for that module. You'll then gain entry to the next module on the first of the following month unless you request it earlier. You determine the speed of your progress. Monthly access links for modules will be delivered regardless of completion status, ensuring access to all modules within the 15-month timeframe, making the training yours.

Two Options Of Support

  1. Live Support Weekly & Monthly-

    Offers weekly LIVE ZOOM office hours and Monthly LIVE ZOOM Masterminds. This is great for someone looking to teach part time and develop thier passion for yoga with support, community and accountability.

  2. One-On-One Coaching-

    Offers everything the live option offers as well as 15 one-on-one personalized coaching sessions to get your teaching career off the ground. The coaching sessions offer mindset training, removing blocks, defining your teaching superpower, creating programs, discovering opportunities and so much more. This is where you have the support to create your dream teaching career. 

Requirements For Certification

  • Complete Yoga 200 and Yoga 300 programs, all 15 modules

  • Complete all required yoga classes

  • Complete all final assignments from each module

  • Submit top 5 or 10 takeway lists

  • Complete all teaching evaluations

  • Pass all written final exams

  • Tuition is paid in full